How to Install a T-H Marine LOC-R-BAR Alarm System
While looking back in our archives, we found the following article about installing our LOC-R-BAR Alarm System. While we're scheduling an update to this article, we figured the original article here would still be a good point of reference.
With that being said, please know that your best bet is to get an experienced marine technician to install the LOC-R-BAR, but we hope this article gives you the information you need about it, too.
About the T-H Marine LOC-R-BAR
The T-H Marine LOC-R-BAR Alarm System is a simple-to-install and easy-to-use, self-contained alarm system for your boat (You can read more about it here). Once you have the bar installed correctly and you've utilized the Loc-Alarm, you can have great peace of mind knowing that your valuable fishing gear is protected.
Here is an overview of how to install the LOC-R-BAR Alarm System.
Tools Required for Installation
Power Drill
Phillips Screwdriver
1 3/8″ Hole Cutter
LOC-R-BAR Alarm System Step by Step Installation
Place the LOC-R-BAR on the boat deck midway across the storage lockers you want to secure.
Extend the LOC-R-BAR bar to the inside walls of the boat.
While in the aluminum mounts, place the lock in the LOC-R-BAR and bring to the top of the sidewall.
Hold the aluminum mounts flat against the interior walls with either screw down. Place the ends of the LOC-R-BAR into the aluminum mount. This procedure requires two people.
IMPORTANT: Be sure that the LOC-R-BAR and the aluminum mounts are STRAIGHT, LEVEL, and FIRMLY held against the interior walls of the boat.
Mark the sidewall of the boat below the single screw on the aluminum mount. This provides the vertical location for hole placement.
Drill a hole into the sidewall with the drill flat on the deck of the boat. This will allow the hole to be slightly above the deck. Always be sure to check for any wiring as you drill holes. Always install brackets as low to the deck as possible.
Place the aluminum mount in the hole. Mark the two screw holes and remove the aluminum mount. Drill starter holes for the screws. Place aluminum mount in the hole and hand-tighten the screws until they are snug.
Extend the LOC-R-BAR into the mounts and secure the lock.