Minn Kota Ultrex G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Installation Tips (and Video)

Minn Kota Ultrex G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Installation Tips (and Video)

April 04, 2019

Looking for Minn Kota Ultrex G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Installation Tips? Considering a G-Force Trolling Motor Handle for your Minn Kota Ultrex and trying to figure out how hard it would be to go through the installation process? In either case, you are at the right place!

Check out the following instructions and video below (click here to jump right to the video).

Minn Kota Ultrex G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Installation Tips / Instructions

To make it as easy as possible to remove a factory Minn Kota Ultrex Trolling Motor Handle and replace it by installing a G-Force Trolling Motor Handle, be sure to follow each of the instructions and tips below (inspired by the embedded video from MLF Bass Pro Tour Angler, Jared Lintner).

Jared did a great job in the video and we aim to complement that video with instructions that are written as clear and detailed as they can be.

1. Gather Recommended Tools and Materials and Prep for Installation

Before attempting the removal of the factory trolling motor handle and cable provided with an Ultrex, be sure you have all of the following recommended tools and materials:

  • G-Force Trolling Motor Handle (available here in either red or black)
  • Hardware included with the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle (have both washers, the nut, and both Allen Screws easily accessible)
  • Wire cutters
  • Black tape (the better quality, the easier installation will be)
  • 5/64 Allen Wrench (included)

2. Make Note of the Trolling Motor Cable "Handle End" and "Tail End"

It may seem simple, but since there is potential for confusion, please note that most of the following steps will depend on distinguishing how the trolling motor handles and cables have a "Handle End" (where you grab to lift the trolling motor) and a "Tail End" (where hardware catches on the trolling motor itself so it can be lifted).

Be sure to locate the Handle End (and the opposite Tail End) of the factory cable as you work through the next step.

3. Do Not Snip the Factory Trolling Motor Handle Cable Yet

Before you snip the factory trolling motor handle cable to remove it, please note that these installation instructions hinge upon using that Factory Trolling Motor Handle Cable to easily pull the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle cable into position.

For the easiest and smoothest installation process, do not snip or remove the Factory Trolling Motor Handle Cable until instructed.

4. Feed the Factory Cable Backward Through the Trolling Motor

Before grabbing your wire cutters, feed the factory cable back down through the trolling motor. Feed it through enough so you can grab the Tail End of the factory cable and use your wire cutters to snip it near the hardware at the Tail End. This trimmed end of the Factory Cable will give you a new Tail End with no hardware on it. 

Leave the factory cable in place so it is still threaded through the trolling motor.

5. Prepare the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Cable

Pick up the cable that comes with the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle and thread it through the small washer provided.

Also thread the cable through the large washer that is provided. 

Slide both washers all the way to the Tail End before moving on to the next step.

6. To Fish the New Cable through, Tape Both Cables Together

Next, you will want to establish about three inches of overlap between the newly-trimmed end of the Factory Cable (this is the new Tail End) and the Handle End of the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle (this end is what you threaded through the small and large washer).

Pinch the three inch overlap of these two cables together and tightly wrap a layer or two of black tape around the two overlapping cables so they are secured to each other.

This should easily allow you to fish the new cable through the trolling motor as you pull the old cable out by the handle end.

Before moving on to the next step, pull the Factory Cable and then the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle cable through the trolling motor, fished all the way through until the G-Force washers come into contact with trolling motor.

7. Remove the G-Force Cable from the Black Tape and Old Cable

With the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle cable fished through the trolling motor, you can pull the G-Force Trolling Motor Cable from the black tape and away from the Factory Trolling Motor Cable. The Factory Trolling Motor Cable can now be discarded.

Once removed from the black tape, this end of the G-Force cable will be where you attach the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle.

8. Begin Attaching the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle to its Cable

Starting at the tapered, nozzle-shaped side of the G-Force Trolling Motor Handle, feed the cable through the G-Force Handle so it goes through the hole toward the grip and past it. Give yourself enough slack that you can hold the Handle End of just the cable itself and slide it into the nut provided.

Make sure you have the cable pushed sufficiently through the nut before moving on to the next step -- it should be pushed through so about 1/8" to 1/4" of the cable is poking out of the nut.

9. Secure the Nut onto the Handle End of the Cable

While holding the cable in place just as described at the end of the previous step, start the Allen Screws on each side of the nut so they catch several threads. Tighten them both so they create a pinch point on the cable and keep the nut secured on the cable. Hand tighten and then use the Allen Wrenches provided to tighten the Allen Screws equally before moving on to the next step.

10. Slide the Cable and Nut into the Handle

With the Allen Screws sufficiently tightened so the nut has the right grip on the cable, slide the cable back through the handle so the nut is concealed in the handle and put the plug into place on the handle so the nut and end of the cord are concealed in the handle. Pull on the handle to test the grip the nut hand on the cable.

11. Get Fishing!

After the previous steps you should be able to get fishing! Enjoy your G-Force Trolling Motor Handle as it provides you a strong and comfortable grip and lift!


Minn Kota Ultrex G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Installation Video

Reference the Original G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Installation Video

Click the button below to reference the original installation post and watch the original G-Force Trolling Motor Handle Installation Video. 

Click here to get a G-Force Trolling Motor Handle.